What to Expect During A Field Sobriety Test in Fullerton, CA
Learn all you need to know about a field sobriety test and how we can help you get bailed out of jail. Here at Blaine Carbo Bail Bonds, we know that getting pulled over for any reason is stressful enough. But getting pulled over and having to go through a field sobriety test, for most people can be a terrifying experience. So, we put this blog together to kind of prepare you in the event you get pulled over and suspected of a DUI.
If you are pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may be required to submit to a variety of field sobriety tests.
Are Field Sobriety Tests Mandatory?
No, field sobriety tests are not mandatory. However, law enforcement officers won’t tell you this, obviously because they use these results to justify your arrest and build a case against you.
It is very well within your rights to politely refuse any field sobriety tests without being punished. Don’t allow the officer to try to trick or intimidate you into taking any field sobriety tests. Politely refusing a field sobriety test cannot be used against you.
However, in the State of California, it is required that you submit to at least one chemical test if you are lawfully arrested for driving under the influence. If you refuse the chemical test, it could be considered an admission of guilt and result in jail time and/or suspension of your driving privileges.
Why do Law Enforcement Officers Use These Tests?
Law Enforcement uses numerous field sobriety tests. These tests may include the straight line walk and turn test, the stand on one leg test, and horizontal eye test. Standard field sobriety tests are designed for you to fail. The results are typically used as evidence that you have been drinking and driving.
There are certain procedures that must be followed by the law enforcement officer. Law enforcement officers receive extensive training on how to conduct these tests. They must demonstrate a certain level of proficiency to become certified to administer the tests.
If a police officer does not follow the proper procedures that are in place, the sobriety test may be considered inadmissible in court.
Will I be Able to Post Bail After an Arrest for DUI?
Odds are if you are arrested for a first time DUI, you will most likely be released with a citation after the standard 12-hour detox period. There are times that bail may be required, such as;
- DUI That Involves an Accident Causing an Injury or Death.
- Prior DUI of Alcohol or Drugs Within a 10 Year Period.
- Prior DUI Involving an Accident Causing an Injury or Death.
In these types of cases the court may set a bail bond amount. A bail bond amount is a specific dollar amount that must be paid in order for you to be released from jail. If the bail bond amount is not paid, then you will remain in jail custody for the duration of your case, until the case is resolved.
Once a bail amount has been set, you can contact a local Fullerton bail bonds company, like the professionals at Blaine Carbo Bail Bonds. We can make arrangements with you, or your friends or loved ones to have the bail bond amount posted immediately. At Blaine Carbo Bail Bonds you only pay a fraction of the total bond amount required by the court.
Below are just a few of the field sobriety test law enforcement may attempt to put you through;
Straight Line Walk and Turn Test
This test is exactly what it says, the driver of the vehicle is asked to walk straight line for a certain number of steps and then asked to turn around and return to the original starting point.
During this test, the law enforcement officer is looking to see if the person can obviously walk straight and maintain their balance all without swaying.
The officer may also ask a person to count their steps aloud, just to see if you can multitask.
Stand on One Leg Test
Just as it sounds once again, the driver of the vehicle stands stationary and lifts one leg off of the ground. The driver must hold their leg off the ground for a length of time as determined by the law enforcement officer.
While doing this test, the law enforcement officers is looking to see if you can maintain your balance. Most people that are Intoxicated won’t be able to maintain their balance and will often need to put their foot down or take other action to avoid falling over.
Horizontal Eye Follow Test
During this test, the law enforcement officer looks at your eyes and asks you to follow an object (usually a pen or small flashlight) to track a back and forth motion. The officer is looking to see if the eyes move back and forth smoothly. If a person is intoxicated, their eyes may not move as smoothly.
What if I Fail the Sobriety Test?
If you fail the field sobriety test, you will be required to submit to evidentiary testing, such as the breathalyzer test, or a blood test or urine sample.
Once a person has failed the sobriety test and failed the breathalyzer test, odds are you will be placed under arrest and charged with a DUI.
Now, a DUI charge can have a major significant impact on your life. First off it stays on your record for 10 years and then there’s the possibility of fines, jail time, suspension of your driver’s license, and probation.
If you have any prior DUI convictions, then the potential penalties are more significant. In some situations, you can reduce the chance of a harsh sentence by pursuing treatment and other efforts during your release.
What do I do Now?
If you, a friend or a loved one get arrested and charged with a DUI, you should contact your local Fullerton, Blaine Carbo Bail Bonds office. We have agents standing by waiting to answer all your questions. Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (714) 522-2089 or toll free (888) NO-JAILS.